Short description
This workshop is designed for PhD researchers who have already developed a preliminary survey or structured interview for their PhD projects, or those who wish to do so in this course.
All types of surveys are welcomed including but not limited to attitude surveys, organisational and/or experimental surveys. It will begin with a very concise overview of survey research, especially regarding how to design and write survey questions. The PhD researchers will be given the opportunity to update and correct their surveys and the course will resume one week later for an in-depth peer review session. All participants are expected to join with their survey already developed and be able to devote time in correcting/updating their survey in a relatively short time.
This workshop is organised in the framework of CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Read a testimony about the workshop from a past participant here.
You are welcome to also sign up for the related course Survey methods workshop I - An introduction to survey research.
How this course works
The course is designed as two three-hour sessions. The first session will provide a very brief overview of survey methods, as well as tips and tricks for developing (and presenting) your survey. Following this, participants will be given one week to create or adapt their surveys and “pre-test” them with other participants in the class. This course is heavily based on peer review, so students will be expected to submit at least a partially developed survey as well as review at least 2 of their peers' work.
Target group
PhD researchers in their 2nd or 3rd year, or earlier, who have already developed a survey for which they seek feedback.
What you will learn
By the end of the workshop, participants will know:
- How to write and present surveys in a professional and accurate manner.
- How to critically review survey questions.
Dr. Jessica Breaugh is a postdoctoral fellow and former PhD researcher from the Hertie School. She currently works in the Horizon 2020 TROPICO project examining collaboration in the context of digitalisation in the public sector as well as as REFMIG, an ERC project, examining the fairness and procedural justice at the UNHCR. Her PhD focused on an empirical analysis of motivation in the public sector across Europe. Her survey-based research can be found in journals such as Public Management Review and Public Policy and Administration.
Instructional Course Designer
Jose Núñez holds a Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Andres Bello Catholic University, Venezuela, as well as a Master’s degree in eLearning from the University of Seville and a Master’s degree in Gamification and Transmedia Storytelling from the IEBS Spain. He is fluent in Spanish and English and has advanced knowledge of German. At the Hertie School, Jose works as a Digital Learning Designer.