Short description
This workshop offers valuable perspectives on academic writing as a daily practice. The focus is on how to get writing done, not on properties of academic texts or the publication process. We will develop an inclusive understanding of academic writing as a central aspect of academic work and the practical and psychological aspects relevant for writing well and being productive. In addition, the course offers an opportunity to develop meta-skills that are useful in studies and working life more generally. These are skills such as self-management and a reflective approach to your own working habits.
The goal is to help you understand academic writing as a comprehensive activity, identify your strengths and weaknesses as an academic writer and plan your writing effectively.
The workshop will give you tools for:
• Adopting a comprehensive understanding of academic writing as a process
• Creating a writing habit and setting realistic writing goals
• Managing the time you use for your academic writing, work and studies
• Recognising your personal challenges and strengths as a writer
• Overcoming writing difficulties, such as writer’s block and procrastination
Insights from creative writing, behavioral psychology and other relevant fields are utilised and applied in order to understand academic writing comprehensively. The topics covered include: the basics of the writing process and creating a productive writing habit, writing time management and overcoming practical or emotional writing problems
The workshop will be held in the classroom and run over two half days: a total of 8 hours divided into 4 hours per day plus a 30-minute break. It will consist of lectures, individual and pair exercises and group discussions.
Dr. Carol Kiriakos has extensive experience in developing new kind of psychological, practice-based support for writers inside and outside academia. In academia, she works particularly with doctoral candidates and their advisors. Kiriakos has coached writers at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland for over ten years in 2010-2021. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Psychology (University of Helsinki) and a Ph.D. in Sociology (European University Institute). Prior to specialising in writing support, she conducted research on distributed work and the global mobility of skilled Finns.