The global transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions involves major novel challenges for public policy and governance. We analyze the emergence of climate policies, institutions and political economy dynamics with a focus on Germany and Europe. We aim at both expanding our knowledge base as well as developing and assessing public policy design options for responding to the challenge of climate change, in dialogue with key stakeholders.
Recent publications on climate policy
- Systematic review and meta-analysis of ex-post evaluations on the effectiveness of carbon pricing, Nature Communications 15, 2024 (Niklas Döbbeling-Hildebrandt, Christian Flachsland et al)
- Increase in concerns about climate change following climate strikes and civil disobedience in Germany, Nature Communications 15, 2024 (Johannes Brehm, Henri Gruhl)
- German stakeholder perceptions of an EU carbon border adjustment mechanism, Environmental Research Letters 17(12), 2022 (Ann-Kathrin Kuehner, Michael Jakob, Christian Flachsland)
- Carbon price floors and low-carbon investment: A survey of German firms, Energy Policy 169, 2022 (Nils Ohlendorf, Christian Flachsland, Gregory F. Nemet, Jan Christoph Steckel)
- Understanding pledge and review: learning from analogies to the Paris Agreement review mechanisms, Climate Policy, 2022 (Kilian Raiser, Başak Çalı, Christian Flachsland)
- National climate institutions complement targets and policies, Science, 2021 (Navroz Dubash, Christian Flachsland et al)
- Germany’s Federal Climate Change Act, Environmental Politics, 2021 (Christian Flachsland, Sebastian Levi)
- Country-level conditions like prosperity, democracy, and regulatory culture predict individual climate change belief, Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 2021 (Sebastian Levi)
- Understanding Different Perspectives on Economic Growth and Climate Policy, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2020 (Michael Jakob, Will Lamb, Jan Steckel, Christian Flachsland, Ottmar Edenhofer)
- Political Economy Determinants of Carbon Pricing, Global Environmental Politics, 2020 (Sebastian Levi, Christian Flachsland, Michael Jakob)
Policy papers:
- Governance capacities in reflexive climate policymaking: the scope, role, and institutional arrangements of policy mix evaluation in the German domestic buildings sector, Ariadne Background, 2024 (Duncan Edmondson, Christian Flachsland et al)
- Mapping variation in institutions for climate policymaking – Climate institutions in Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Australia, Ariadne-Report, 2023 (Claudia Zwar, Christian Flachsland et al)
- Eckpunkte zur Entwicklung einer Klimaaußenpolitikstrategie Deutschlands, Ariadne Hintergrund, 2023 (Christian Flachsland, Marian Feist et al)
- Bewertung klimapolitischer Instrumentenmix-Pfade – Eine Anwendung auf leichte Nutzfahrzeuge in Deutschland, Ariadne Hintergrund, 2022 (Duncan Edmondson, Christian Flachsland, Johannes Brehm et al)
- Wie die Governance der deutschen Klimapolitik gestärkt werden kann, Ariadne Kurzdossier, 2021 (Christian Flachsland, Sebastian Levi, Duncan Edmondson et al)
- Klimaschutz und Verkehr: Zielerreichung nur mit unbequemen Maßnahmen möglich, Ariadne Analyse, 2021 (Sebastian Levi, Christian Flachsland, Duncan Edmondson et al)
- Bewertung des Klimapakets und nächste Schritte. CO2-Preis, sozialer Ausgleich, Europa, Monitoring, MCC Policy Paper, 2019 (Ottmar Edenhofer, Christian Flachsland et al)
- Optionen für eine CO2-Preisreform. Expertise für den Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, 2019 (Ottmar Edenhofer, Christian Flachsland et al)