1. The EUDigiParty data set: The digital campaigning presence of 401 political parties during the European Parliament election 2024 including websites and social media handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X/Twitter, and YouTube
Research Data
DOI: 10.7910/DVN/U6UWPN2. Xi Jinping’s Partnership with Technology Companies and Social Media Platforms
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DOI: 97810321915223. Shifts in local governments’ corporatization intensity: Evidence from German cities
DOI: 10.1093/jopart/muae0014. Tech companies and the public interest: the role of the state in governing social media platforms
5. KI und datengesteuerte Kampagnen: Eine Diskussion der Rolle generativer KI im politischen Wahlkampf
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DOI: 97837560080016. Are Online Political Influencers Accelerating Democratic Deconsolidation?
DOI: 10.17645/mac.v11i3.68137. The European Parliament’s AI Regulation: Should We Call It Progress?
URL: Climate Breakdown as a Systemic Risk in the Digital Services Act
9. Implementing Data Access of the Digital Services Act: Collaboration of European Digital Service Coordinators and Researchers in Building Strong Oversight over Social Media Platforms
Working Paper
DOI: urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-4947910. Deconstructing complexity: A comparative study of government collaboration in national digital platforms and smart city networks in Europe
11. Special Issue on Tech Companies and Public Interest
12. A shift towards collaboration? Evidence from national digitalisation strategies
DOI: 10.3224/dms.vXiX.27380813. Going separate ways: ex-post interdependence and the dissolution of collaborative relations
14. Understanding the causes, dynamics, and consequences of corporatization: An analysis of local government evidence in England and Germany
Doctoral Thesis
DOI: 10.48462/opus4-504415. Are social media platforms accelerators of democratic fragmentation? An inquiry into the relationship of democratic fragmentation and social media platforms in three political arenas: political campaigns, protest movements and democratic institutions
Doctoral Thesis
DOI: 10.48462/opus4-505516. Fraught with tension? A machine-learning approach to termination traits of public corporations in English and German local governments
17. A shift in paradigm? Collaborative public administration in the context of national digitalization strategies
DOI: 10.1111/gove.1277818. Social media governance and strategies to combat online hatespeech in Germany
DOI: 10.1002/poi3.34819. Digital Government Interoperability Platform Reference Architecture
Working Paper
PDF20. Who polarizes Twitter? Ideological polarization, partisan groups and strategic networked campaigning on Twitter during the 2017 and 2021 German Federal elections 'Bundestagswahlen'
21. Automated environmental compliance monitoring of rivers with IoT and open government data
22. Incentive Structures for the Adoption of Crowdsourcing in Public Policy: A Bureaucratic Politics Model
DOI: 10.3390/su14201298223. Transnational Digital Governance and Its Impact on Artificial Intelligence
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DOI: 978019757932924. The Future Is Now: Non-Linear Temporality in Blockchain Organizing
Doctoral Thesis
DOI: 10.48462/opus4-548725. Europe Is in Danger of Using the Wrong Definition of AI
Contribution to a Periodical
URL: Human Centric Smart Cities. Redefining the smart city.
Working Paper
DOI: urn:nbn:de:kobv:b1570-opus4-4410627. Discussing the foundations for interpretivist digital government research
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DOI: 978-3-030-92945-928. The CoRisk-Index: A Data-Mining Approach to Identify Industry-Specific Risk Perceptions Related to Covid-19
29. Infrastructural state capacity in the digital age: What drives the performance of COVID-19 tracing apps?
DOI: 10.1111/gove.1266630. The Information Society and the Future of Digital Well-being
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PDF31. Constitutional metaphors: Facebook’s “supreme court” and the legitimation of platform governance
URL: Untangling Agile Government: On the Dual Necessities of Structure and Agility
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DOI: 10.1142/9789811239700_000233. The Future Is Now: Non-Linear Temporality in Blockchain Organizing
Doctoral Thesis
DOI: 10.48462/opus4-449834. How the Far-Right Polarises Twitter: ‘Hashjacking’ as a Disinformation Strategy in Times of COVID-19
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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-93413-2_935. Twitter Streaming Data Analytics for Disaster Alerts
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DOI: 10.1109/IISEC54230.2021.967237036. The effect of televised candidate debates on the support for political parties
37. Open government data portal usability: A user-centred usability analysis of 41 open government data portals
38. Towards a Systematic Understanding on the Challenges of Procuring Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector
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URL: Disinformed social movements: A large-scale mapping of conspiracy narratives as online harms during the COVID-19 pandemic
40. The survival of open government platforms: Empirical insights from a global sample
41. Is There an AI Cold War?
DOI: 10.1525/gp.2021.2480342. Digital transformation: From hierarchy to network-based collaboration? The case of the German “Online Access Act”.
DOI: 10.3224/dms.v14i1.0543. Artificial Intelligence and ethics
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DOI: 978103219152244. The challenge of Chinese digital payment networks
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URL: Robot Nannies Will Not Love
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DOI: 9781912685844246. Transnational digital governance and its impact on artificial intelligence
DOI: 10.31235/ Agile Development for Digital Government Services: Challenges and Success Factors
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URL: How the Far-Right Polarises Twitter: 'Highjacking' Hashtags in Times of COVID-19
DOI: 10.31235/ The CoRisk-Index: A data-mining approach to identify industry-specific risk assessments related to COVID-19 in real-time
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URL: Government Collaboration and Digitalisation: Comparative Case Studies on Collaborative Management for Government Digitalisation and Public Sector Innovation
51. Koordination und Integration im E-Government
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DOI: 978-3-658-23669-452. Who Governs 4.0? Varieties of Smart Cities
53. Research Report on Collaborative Management for ICT Enabled Public Sector Innovation
54. Media or Corporations? Social Media Governance between Public and Commercial Rationales
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DOI: 978019886636755. The political position generator - A new instrument for measuring political ties in China
56. China's cat-and mouse game blocking web content no model for EU
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URL: Who is a PRC user? Comparing Chinese social media user agreements
DOI: 10.5210/fm.v25i8.1031958. Robot, all too human
DOI: 10.1145/331313159. “Hashjacking” the Debate: Polarisation Strategies of Germany’s Political Far-Right on Twitter
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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34971-4_2160. Instinct: A Biologically Inspired Reactive Planner for Intelligent Embedded Systems
61. Internal collaboration as a cornerstone of national digitalisation strategies Empirical findings and recommendations
62. Meta-analysis of digitalisation strategies in eight European countries
63. The Past Decade and Future of AI’s Impact on Society
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DOI: 978841714121964. Designing authoritarian deliberation: how social media platforms influence political talk in China
65. Authoritarian Deliberation 2.0: Lurking and Discussing Politics in Chinese Social Media
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DOI: 978081229589466. The Artificial Intelligence of the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: An Introductory Overview for Law and Regulation
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DOI: 978019006739767. Beyond Regulation: Approaching the challenges of the new media environment
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PDF68. Towards Area-Smart Data Science: Critical Questions for Working with Big Data from China
DOI: 10.1002/poi3.19269. Digital Government: Leveraging Innovation to Improve Public Sector Performance and Outcomes for Citizens
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DOI: 978331938793270. Drei Schritte zur Digitalen Verwaltung Trend
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URL: Which Social Media Facilitate Online Public Opinion in China?
72. We Don't Know What We Don't Know: When and How the Use of Twitter's Public APIs Biases Scientific Inference
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DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.307992773. Public Administration Reforms in Europe
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DOI: 978178347539174. Zukunftspanel Staat & Verwaltung: Chancen und Trends der öffentlichen Verwaltung in der digitalen Revolution
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75. Responsive Authoritarianism in Chinese Media and Other Authoritarian Contexts
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URL: The Chinese Internet Audience: Who Seeks Political Information Online?
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DOI: 978-1-4724-3097-777. Media Influence on Ethnocentrism Towards Europeans
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DOI: 978113675324478. Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China
79. Race to the Bottom: Media Marketization and Increasing Negativity Toward the United States in China
80. Remote Control: How the Media Sustains Authoritarian Rule in China
81. Information Overload? Collecting, Managing, and Analyzing Chinese Media Content
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DOI: 9780521155762, 978-0521197830, 978-052119783082. One Size Doesn't Fit All: Measuring News Reception East and West