ANTICORRP is a large-scale research project funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. The project duration is five years, starting from March 2012, and the Hertie School is one of its main partners in a consortium of 21 research groups from 16 countries.
The project’s foundational premise is that while knowledge about the negative impact of corruption on various aspects of human well-being (such as economic prosperity, health, life satisfaction, gender equality, social trust, poverty and political legitimacy) is well-established, knowledge of how corruption can be successfully fought using political means is much less widespread. ANTICORRP is primarily responsible for investigating and explaining the factors that promote or hinder the development of effective anti-corruption policies and impartial government institutions. A central issue is how policy responses can be tailored to deal with various forms of corruption effectively. Furthermore, the project aims to advance the knowledge of how corruption can be curbed in Europe and elsewhere and to examine the agency of different state and non-state actors and their contribution to the fight against corruption.
ANTICORRP is part of the European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building (ERCAS).
ANTICORRP is an interdisciplinary project conducted by researchers from the fields of anthropology, criminology, economics, gender studies, history, law, political science, public policy and public administration. The project strives to ensure that the research results are discussed with policymakers and the general public, using high-profile multimedia tools as well as a number of research-to-policy workshops to do so.
1 Mar 2012 – 28 Feb 2017