Laura Stefan is the Rule of Law and Anticorruption Coordinator at
Expert Forum (EFOR), and a frequent consultant for various institutions,
international organizations, as well as UN and EU bodies. She was
educated in Romania and UK (Cambridge Law Faculty) where she received
her LLM title. Since the beginning of her career in 2001, she was focused
on the fight against corruption and increasing transparency. She is
experienced in legal analysis and legal drafting, training public officials,
public servants and NGO representatives on: public disclosure, conflict
of interests and incompatibilities, public policy process, freedom of
information, transparency in decision making, citizens’ participation,
public procurement and cost-benefit analysis, policy evaluation, project
management, policy formulation and implementation in the area of
anticorruption, organized crime, judicial reform, governance and state
reform. She is part of the EU Expert Group on Corruption to advise and
assists the EU Commission’s Anti-Corruption Report.