Nikolay Staykov is the co-founder of the Sofia-based Anticorruption
Fund (ACF). He has a degree in business administration and is an
experienced business journalist and editor. From 1997 to 2007, he was
part of the Capital Weekly team, where he worked as journalist, editor,
and deputy editor-in-chief. He specializes in economic analyses,
investigations, and business rankings and is a trainer in OSINT
investigations. In 2013, Staykov was main coordinator and speaker
for – a media platform, created and managed by
volunteers, to be the voice of the civil protests in Bulgaria. Since
2017, the ACF has uncovered many corruption scandals, for example
“Apartmentgate”, which was followed up by other media and led to
more than ten high-level resignations. The last ACF big story, the Eight
Dwarfs, has unveiled corruption schemes at highest levels in Bulgaria’s
prosecution. Currently, Staykov’s home and the ACF office are under
24/7 police surveillance as per special prosecutor order.