Erhard Friedberg is Professor emeritus of Sociology at Sciences Po Paris. He obtained his doctorate in political science at the Freie Universität Berlin in 1979 and a second doctorate from Paris Sorbonne in 1997. In 2012, he was elected Professor honoris causa by the University of Liège in Belgium. Prof. Erhard Friedberg is, with Michel Crozier, the founder of the "French School of the Sociology of Organizations". He has directed a number of research and consulting missions in public administration as well as in private firms within France and Western Europe. Lately, Professor Friedberg has been active in the design and implementation of innovative programs for the study of praxis-oriented social sciences in the service of public and private managerial action. At Sciences Po, served as the director of a graduate program in organisational sociology and managed the executive program (in French) in Public Management, as well as of the Master in Public Affairs from 2006 to 2012. Recently he completed a mission of 28 months in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he was in charge of creating and implementing a new Graduate Program in Public Affairs to be taught in English to young professionals of South East Asia coming from the private, the public and the NGO sectors. Prof. Friedberg pursues his teaching activities at the Hertie School in Berlin, at the University of Brunei Darussalam, as well as at ENA/ISA in Rabat, Morocco.