Research event

Sustainability Colloquium #1 with Prof. Jos Delbeke

The Centre for Sustainability aims at fostering analysis and international debate on climate, energy and sustainability policy through its new Sustainability Colloquium series.  The Colloquia will be an opportunity for Hertie students as well as fellow researchers to engage with the most impactful thinkers in sustainability research.  

For the inaugural session, we have invited one of the founding fathers of the European climate policy, Prof. Jos Delbeke. He will give an opening statement on the European Commission’s Fit-for-55 package as well as share his broader reflections on the history and future of the European climate governance. Then, we will open the floor for discussion as well as live Q&A from the audience.


  • Prof. Jos Delbeke is full Professor at KU Leuven and part-time Professor at the EUI. He is the former Director-General of the European Commission's DG Climate Action (2010-2018). In this capacity, he played a key role in setting the EU’s climate and energy targets for 2020 and 2030 as well as developing EU legislation on the Emissions Trading System (ETS), cars and fuels, air quality, emissions from big industrial installations and chemicals (REACH). 

Host and moderator: 

Prior registration required.
Please make sure to register online by 31 October 2021