Hertie School Faculty
Johanna Arlinghaus (as of 1 September 2024)
Assistant Professor of Economics and Sustainability | Centre for Sustainability
Applied microeconomics; fiscal policy, financial markets and climate policy; economics of greenhouse gas removal
Professor of Ethics and Technology | Centre for Digital Governance
National and transnational governance and policy for technology, particularly digital technologies; computation and artificial intelligence as utilities; economic and social impacts of digital and communication technologies, including variation in public goods investment, polarisation; transparency for AI regulation
Professor of European Law and Governance | Director, Jacques Delors Centre
EU governance and regulation; fundamental rights; EU constitutional law; the European Court of Justice; EU social law and policy; Economic and Monetary Union; accountability; the rule of law
Professor of Data Science for the Common Good
Data science; computational social science; causal inference and experiments; applications of data science and machine learning; development and evaluation of methods in experiments and causal inference
Professor of Social Psychology
The social psychology of intergroup relations; intergroup contact; anti-bias and micro-level peacebuilding interventions; dyadic processes in intergroup dialogues; implicit motives; social impact and the use of evidence in the third sector
Professor of International and Cyber Security | Centre for International Security
Political violence; empirical studies of conflict processes; empirical studies of human rights; topics related to the role of communication technology and social media in contentious processes; cyber conflict and cyber war
Professor of Public and Financial Management | Centre for Digital Governance
Public management (reform); government digitalization; AI in government; public sector innovation; HRM and performance management in the public sector; organisation theory
Professor of Public Policy | Jacques Delors Centre
Comparative political economy; varieties of capitalism; labour and trade unions; EU labour migration and labour market policy; digital transformation and the future of work
Professor of Energy Policy | Centre for Sustainability
Energy economics and policy, in particular economics of renewables; electricity markets; energy system modeling
Professor of International Relations | Director, Centre for International Security
Nuclear security and strategy
Dean of Graduate Programmes and Professor of Public Administration and Management | Centre for Digital Governance
Comparative public administration; politics and administration; policy advice; digital governance; public sector innovation
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy | Data Science Lab
Climate and energy policy; applications of data science and machine learning; method development in policy analysis; policy and governance questions at the intersection of artificial intelligence and climate change
Assistant Professor of International Relations
Foreign policy analysis; insurgencies; human rights; diaspora politics; multi-methods -
Professor of Applied Methods and Comparative Politics
Political behaviour; elections; political institutions; political economy; representation and accountability; populism; coalition bargaining
Professor of Sociology
Quantitative research (with micro level data); public policy and demographic behaviour; public policy and family behaviour (fertility, marriage, divorce etc.); migration and integration
Professor of Social Data Science
Ocal politics; federalism; electoral geography; democratic representation; political polarization; housing policy; immigration policy; causal inference methodologies; formal models of political institutions; measurement of political preferences
Professor for Organization, Strategy and Leadership
Organisational theory and institutional analysis; alternative forms of economic organising (including social enterprises); social problems and system change; re-embed democracy in capitalism
Professor of Organization and Governance
Management and organisation studies; organisation theory; organisational sociology; business and society; corporate social responsibility; corporate sustainability; sustainable development; social movements; collective memory; transnational private regulation; governance of global value chains
Professor of Data Science and Public Policy
Data science; computational social science; experimental science; political communication; public opinion; political behavior; elections; online media; hate speech and content moderation
Professor of European Politics | Jacques Delors Centre
European Union institutions and politics; legislative behaviour, decision making and organisation; multi-level governance (in particular: Legitimacy, politicisation and contestation); comparative and European Union politics (in particular: institutions, law-making, politicisation, and legitimacy); EU-member state relations; qualitative and mixed methods.
Dean of Executive Education and Professor for Communication in Politics and Civil Society
Media and society; campaigns and elections; political parties in a comparative perspective; political consulting and policy advice
Professor of Digital Governance | Director, Centre for Digital Governance
Digital governance; social media governance; new media, public opinion and political participation; marketisation of media; rise of authoritarianism; public opinion and foreign policymaking; Chinese politics and media
Professor of Economics
Economics of mobility transition; taxation of cars; transportation economics; economic policy evaluations; economics of crime; regulation of the car market
Assistant Professor of Economics
Experiments; behavioral economics; persuasion; economics of charity; empirical political economy
Dean of Research and Faculty | Professor of Public Administration and Public Policy
Bureaucracy and policymaking; politics-administration relations; policy instruments; administrative capacities; the politics of enforcement; regulation and regulatory reform (i.e. "better regulation")
Professor of International Affairs and Security | Centre for International Security
Political violence and conflict processes; (ethnic) civil war; terrorism; ethnic powersharing; irregular migration; forecasting in international affairs; quantitative approaches to international security; nuclear security