In two interviews, the Professor of Sociology comments on how COVID-19 impacted birth rates and parenthood.
Over a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns have not led to baby booms. Many countries have actually experienced a "baby slump", while in Germany the birth rate stayed essentially unchanged.
Hertie School Professor of Sociology Michaela Kreyenfeld was quoted in an article on the subject in the German weekly Die Zeit.
"Many young people feel insecure and worry about their professional and financial future," she told the paper. Early in the pandemic, Kreyenfeld had already predicted that a COVID-19 baby boom was unlikely.
In a separate interview with the the podcast of the German Society for Demography, Kreyenfeld discussed the increased involvement of fathers in childcare, also due to the pandemic.
You can read the full article in Die Zeit here (in German), and the relevant episode of the podcast "Demografie und Gesellschaft im Fokus“ can be found here (episode 6, in German).
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