Klaus Hurrelmann’s new book asks how young people are disadvantaged by the pandemic.
The new anthology Generation Corona, edited by Hertie School Professor of Public Health and Education Klaus Hurrelmann and Director of the Research Institute for the Economics of Education and Social Affairs (FiBS) Dieter Dohmen, examines whether COVID-19-related restrictions could have negative effects on children and young people – in particular certain groups that might be at higher risk.
“Our studies make it clear that about one third of the young generation is particularly affected by the negative consequences of the Corona pandemic,” says Klaus Hurrelmann. “Their performance is declining and at the same time they are experiencing social and psychological difficulties. If one wants to speak of a 'Generation Corona', then this metaphor fits this segment of the young generation. The majority has coped quite well and some have even benefitted and become more independent and digitally competent,” says Klaus Hurrelmann.
This first comprehensive analysis of the pandemic’s impact on the younger generation compiles 15 essays from different perspectives. Topics range from home schooling to e-learning and psychological and social effects of the pandemic on children.
The analyses draw attention to the fact that mainly children from socially disadvantaged families have suffered from the negative consequences of the pandemic. Hurrelmann and Dohmen derive consequences from this for educational policy reforms in the pre-school, school and training sectors.
The book is available in German from Beltz Juventa.