Annual GIZ Programme promotes regional legal dialogue.
Berlin, 23 February 2017 - The Hertie School welcomes 21 young legal professionals from the Southern Caucasus for this year’s GIZ Regional Academy “Transformation Lawyers - Legal Dialogue for Legal Transformation", which is taking place from 20 February until 10 March. During the three weeks in Berlin, professionals from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia intensify their legal knowledge and legal practical skills. They will also engage in a dialogue on legal transformation in the South Caucasus.
The guest speaker for this year’s opening event on 22 February at the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften was Herbert Salber, European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia.
The Regional Academy is supported by Germany's development agency GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) within the framework of the Caucasus Initiative of the German federal government, and it is hosted at the Hertie School in cooperation with Hamburg’s Bucerius Law School.
The Hertie School is a private university based in Berlin, Germany, accredited by the state and the German Science Council. It prepares exceptional students for leadership positions in government, business, and civil society. Interdisciplinary and practice-oriented teaching, first-class research and an extensive international network set the Hertie School apart and position it as an ambassador of good governance, characterised by public debate and engagement. The school was founded at the end of 2003 as a project of the Hertie Foundation, which remains its major partner. www.hertie-school.org
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