
2022: The Hertie School's year in review

From welcoming our new president and faculty to hosting an in-person graduation and alumni reunion, here's a look back on an eventful year.

The Hertie School saw many changes in 2022, a year marked by many global challenges and crises – on the heels of two years of a pandemic that raged around the world.

We welcomed our new President Cornelia Woll, new faculty members Egon Tripodi and Shubha Kamala Prasad, and new Jacques Delors Centre Co-director and Henrik Enderlein Fellow Johannes Lindner into the community. We celebrated the achievements of our MPP, MIA, EMPA and PhD graduates in two in-person ceremonies over the summer. We awarded the Alumni Acheivement Award at an Alumni Reunion hosted jointly with the Hertie Foundation's 2022 Hertie Summit. And in September, we welcomed a new batch of students and researchers back to campus at the Opening of the 2022/2023 Academic Year.

Watch the video below for more highlights from an eventful year.