Speeding tickets could nudge people into compliance, study finds.
In an online article in SPIEGEL from 26 April, Hertie School Professor of Economics Christian Traxler provides insights on the benefits of speed limits based on recent study findings. Although evidence on the exact causes of accidents was lacking, speed limits of 130 km/h could reduce drivers' stress levels and thus lead to fewer accidents, says Traxler. Since the debate sparks many emotions in Germany, the time "might be ripe to test speed limits on the road and evaluate the data produced."
One important aspect concerns the enforcement of the limit. A related study by Traxler and co-researchers with data from Prague already found that drivers were more likely to adhere to the speed limits even two years after receiving a ticket, providing clear evidence that strict enforcement has "a strong and persistent effect," explains Traxler.
Read the full article here (in German).
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More about our expert
Christian Traxler, Professor of Economics