Five postdoctoral Dahrendorf fellowships to be advertised.
Berlin, Essen, London, 6 November 2014 During the 2014-15 academic year the Hertie School (Berlin) and LSE Ideas (London) will initiate the third cycle of their longstanding cooperation with the joint Dahrendorf III Project, funded with 2.5 million Euro by Stiftung Mercator. This new project, entitled „Changing the European Debate: Europe and the World“ will explore the future of the European Union’s relations with its neighbours (Russia and Ukraine, Turkey and North Africa) and the two largest economies in the world (China and the United States).
Under the leadership of Professor Helmut Anheier, President of the Hertie School and Professor Arne Westad, Director of LSE IDEAS, both institutions will organise and coordinate the activities of five research groups, each of which will focus on the relations of the EU with a region of study.
Attached to each of the five groups will be one two-year post-doctoral positions (five in total), the call for which is due to open soon. From January 2015 onwards for two years, three full-time positions will be located in London, and two in Berlin.
The Dahrendorf project aims to establish a new norm of academic contribution to policy issues in international affairs, enabling academic research to play a role in setting the agenda and developing policies across three capitals: Berlin, London, and in Brussels. It will again put a strong emphasis on debate and the science-policy interface.
The Hertie School will host three of the transnational, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral working groups (on Europe’s external relations with Turkey, North Africa and China respectively) while LSE Ideas will host two (with focus on Europe’s relations with Russia and Ukraine and the United States). Their research will lay the content groundwork for the debate at the Dahrendorf Symposium 2016.
Since 2010 the Hertie School, the London School of Economics (LSE) and Stiftung Mercator have cooperated to create biannual symposia and public research projects in honour of Lord Dahrendorf. The first two cycles of research concentrated on Europe’s institutional and political future and on the issue of human-made climate change, respectively. In the third cycle the focus will be on the relationship between Europe and the two largest economies, as well as its border zones.
Further information about the project can be found at:
For inquiries related to the project at the Hertie School, please contact Dahrendorf Manager Gesa-Stefanie Brincker (brincker[at]hertie-school[dot]org). For further information on the project at the LSE, please contact Corina Mavrodin, Dahrendorf Project Manager at LSE Ideas (c.mavrodin[at][dot]uk).
Mariana Florio, Associate Recruitment & Admissions