Report presentation and discussion with Pascal Lamy, Roland Berger, and Henrik Enderlein.
Short-term preoccupations of modern politics and business are constantly growing, while sustaining actions have slowed and long term improvements and solutions have become rare in today's international policy making. A radical shake-up in all sectors is necessary to deliver progress on climate change, reduce economic inequality, improve corporate practices and address the chronic burden of disease. The Oxford Martin Commission, a diverse group of highly respected global leaders - including Roland Berger and chaired by Pascal Lamy - has analysed successes and failures in addressing global challenges over the recent decades. The recently released Commission's report "Now for the Long Term" suggests practical ideas to propel the global agenda towards a more resilient and sustainable tomorrow. The report calls for a radical shake-up in politics and business to consider the future and embed long-range thinking within strategies, institutions and decision making at every level.
Download the full report here.
Pascal Lamy (Notre Europe; former Director-General, World Trade Organization)
Roland Berger (Founder and Honorary Chairman, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants)
Introduction and Moderation:
Henrik Enderlein (Professor of Political Economy, Hertie School)
Pascal Lamy served for two consecutive terms, from 2005 to 2013, as General Director of the World Trade Organization (WTO). He was Chief of Staff for the President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, from 1985 to 1994. He then joined the Credit Lyonnais as CEO until 1999, before returning to Brussels as European Trade Commissioner until 2004. Mr. Lamy is Honorary President of the Paris-based Think Tank Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute.
Roland Berger founded Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in 1967 and today serves as the company’s Honorary Chairman. He was a member of many commissions advising German federal and state governments as well as the European Commission. Mr. Berger is board member of various national and international corporations. In 2008, he founded the Roland Berger Foundation which fosters equality of opportunity.