European Governance Colloquium
Powers of the European Parliament
Monday, 04.11.2019 | 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Adrienne Héritier (European University Institute) presents her book European Parliament Ascendant (Parliamentary Strategies of Self-Empowerment in the EU).
European Parliament Ascendant (Parliamentary Strategies of Self-Empowerment in the EU) analyses the European Parliament’s strategies of self-empowerment over time stretching across cases of new institutional prerogatives as well as substantive policy areas. It considers why and how the Parliament has managed to gain formal and informal powers in this wide variety of cases. It provides a systematic and comparative analysis of the European Parliament’s formal and informal empowerment in two broad sets of cases: on the one hand, it examines the EP’s empowerment since the Treaty of Rome in three areas that are characteristic of parliamentary democracies, namely legislation, the budget, and the investiture of the executive. On the other hand, it analyses the European Parliament’s role in highly politicised policy areas, namely Economic and Monetary Governance and the shaping of EU trade agreements.
This event is part of the EU Governance colloquium.