Climate policy, intersectionality in public management, AI governance and more… Browse our course catalogue and hear from our professors.
With a new semester upon us at the Hertie School, you can now view the spring 2021 course catalogue for the MPP and MIA! From sustainability, digitalisation, technology and data, public sector management to diversity, representation and human rights (and much more) – students gain tools for tackling highly relevant issues in this spring’s curriculum. Below we’ve picked out a few of the many exciting courses on offer this semester.
- Advanced climate policy – This class introduces students to key concepts and debates in EU and international climate policy, it focuses on topics like the costs and benefits of transformation policies in sectors like energy and transport.
- Enforcing environmental policy: A global comparative perspective – Students in this class learn about the hurdles of successful environmental policy implementation and carry out their own case studies.
- SDG certificate course – Students participating in the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Professional Certificate collaborate on projects tackling SDG goals with students from other GPPN partner schools, this year focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic.
"I deeply enjoy the blend of research and teaching in this class [Advanced Climate Policy]. Discussing the cutting-edge climate policy research in our ARIADNE project with students advances both the research and students’ understanding of public policy dynamics in this increasingly important field." — Christian Flachsland, Professor of Sustainability
Diversity and representation
- Applied longitudinal data analysis: Diversity across the life course – This class teaches empirical methods to map patterns of economic and social mobility according to gender, education, family context, ethnicity and nationality.
- Gender, race, class: Intersectionality and social inequalities – Students in this course explore the relationship between intersectionality and social inequalities based on gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.
- Social innovation and social entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities – This class focuses on how technological innovation and entrepreneurship can improve public issues such as unemployment, social inequalities, migration and integration and climate change.
Digitalisation, technology and data
- Governance and politics of AI – Students explore policy changes related to artificial intelligence and examine the ethics, fairness, transparency and accountability in AI techniques.
- Data science and decision-making – This class features speakers from government, industry and non-profit organisations to explore how data science can help decision-making in public policy.
- Tech companies and the public interest: How to regulate social media platforms – Students examine and participate in the current debate about how to regulate social media platforms, with speakers from industry and academia.
“[Governance and politics of AI] is a course covering exactly the policy content that I came to the Hertie School to both deliver (to the world as well as our students) and better understand. We are teaching this every semester, and every semester it is different because more academic papers, more directed legislation, and more world events make the content of this course endlessly topical and educational, for us as well. Many Hertie School students are now bringing their own direct experience of trying to regulate, legislate, commercialise, and civically engage around impacts of AI. I look forward to learning from them, from Slava [Jankin, who co-teaches the course], and from the research I need to do to update each lecture.” — Joanna Bryson, Professor of Ethics and Technology
Human rights and global governance
- Economics and policy of healthcare – Students learn about key concepts in healthcare and compare global healthcare policies.
- Governance in areas of limited statehood – This class explores the challenges in public policy that developing countries and transition states face.
- Staying alive – Sustaining leadership in the face of crisis – Drawing from methods used at the Harvard Kennedy School, this workshop teaches students to distinguish between leadership and authority and how they can apply leadership in times of crisis.
For detailed descriptions of all classes on offer this spring, make sure to check out our course catalogue. Happy perusing!