Wie haben sich in den fünf Jahren seit der ersten Studie und 25 Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer die Lebenswelten in der deutschen Hauptstadt entwickelt? Für die Studie im Auftrag der Hertie-Stiftung und unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Helmut K. Anheier und Klaus Hurrelmann in Zusammenarbeit mit der Sinus Markt- und Sozialforschung GmbH wurden 2000 Berlinerinnen und Berliner zu ihrer Lebenssituation und ihrer Zufriedenheit mit Politik und Verwaltung befragt.
Zentrale Ergebnisse (Englisch)
- In general, the mood is very optimistic. 93% say, they enjoy living in Berlin (59% strongly agrees with this statement, 34% generally agrees) and see a bright future: 69% of Berliners believe that the city will develop positively within the next five years.
- Berlin is growing and getting younger. Since 2010 the city's population has grown by 1% annually and gotten younger, contrary to the Germany-wide trend.
- High rate of identification with the city. Over 90% of interviewed residents consider themselves Berliners
- The East/West divide is crumbling in minds. 36% of interviewees indicated that they see no difference between east and west Berlin (versus 24% in 2009).
- The city's centre and periphery are drifting apart. The central neighbourhoods, in contrast to the peripheral neighbourhoods, are characterised by a social, cultural and economic influx and growth.
- Dissatisfaction with politics, recognition for public administration. Although the interviewees are generally dissatisfied with politics and politicians they are satisfied with Berlin's public administration, which is at its capacity's limits but nonetheless competent and friendly.
Hertie Berlin Study Webseite
Wissenschaftliche Leitung
Helmut K. Anheier, past President and Professor of Sociology
Klaus Hurrelmann, Professor of Public Health and Education